Cameron Hons celebrates two decades of music 2003-2023

Twenty years can be a long time if you are doing something that makes you unhappy, but Cameron Hons believes time flies when you`re having fun. Darren McErlain from Newy 87.8FM Newcastle looks into the life of Cameron Hons to help him celebrate two decades of entertainment.
If you flashback to 2003, one will find John Howard was the Prime Minister; a loaf of Tip Top bread cost $1.05; petrol was 92 cents per litre and `Angels brought me here` by Guy Sebastian, was at the top of the Australian charts. The year 2003 also saw the launch of the career of a Sydney entertainer. Triple threat performer - musician, filmmaker and comical singer. Cameron Hons has become an internet sensation, with his gifts on multiple instruments and his talents as a funny lyricist.
For centuries, the Creative Arts has taken on many forms through visual arts, music, dance and drama, giving audiences multiple opportunities to appreciate the art. Some creative artists around the world paint portraits or landscapes to express their observations. Some may jump on a potters-wheel to develop a vase that makes a statement. Some artists create a sculpture made of metal to attract holidaymakers on the beach. Cameron Hons makes music. It`s what he does, and for the record, he does it well. His work has a very strong following around the world and they have appreciated his art for two decades. In 20 years, the growth of the Cameron Hons brand has been exponential. In 2023, we welcome a new album that celebrates this hard work: `20 years of Cameron Hons Music`.
Twenty years is a long time to wait for great music, and track 12 pulls at the heartstrings. `Lost and Confused` is a beautiful song to drive to. Imagine yourself on the M4 or M7 in Sydney or perhaps the M1 on the Central Coast. Try driving along the NorthConnex tunnel in New South Wales (like in the promo) with this playing and it will help you reflect! This is a song that will `patternise` and harmonise your mental state with the lines on the long road ahead. If you need some thinking music or perhaps a track to coincide with some big decision-making – this is the track for you. As Molly Meldrum used to say on Hey Hey It`s Saturday, `do yourself a favour`, and have a listen to this. If only Molly said this on stage at the latest Elton John Concert, instead of showing parts of his body, more people would have been exposed to a great artist we affectionately call - Cameron Hons.
Cameron Hons said that 2003 was personally a dark time for music as we lost a lot of the 90s golden age boy bands, who were mostly irrelevant.
“People like Aaron Carter, rest in peace, were going through some hard times and stopped making music for ages. A lot of the top number one songs from the era were mostly all pop or rap songs that I don't enjoy. Quite possibly my favourite release was Deep Purple's Bananas album, that I got for Christmas in 2003. Also, the Weird Al Yankovic 2003 album 'Poodle Hat' was another favourite, ” said Cameron.
To celebrate 20 years of music, Cameron Hons has released a new album - `20 Years of Cameron Hons Music` and a book documenting his career in music – `My Favourite Songs: A Memoir in Music Making`.
For the last two decades, Cameron has drafted song words on paper. He has adapted to the emerging technologies to produce the music, and learnt new instruments along the way. It was a heartfelt strategy that allowed the audience to find some escapism and enjoy his art. Countless CDs, duets with famous musicians and a show reel of films are just some of the projects that have attracted captive audiences from near and far. Cameron Hons planted a seed of making music in 2003. Today, the tree is tall enough to overshadow all the other independent music makers.
If you spent 20 years procrastinating about whether to see the New Year Eve Fireworks, put up that new picture frame or just wash the bin out, you will certainly appreciate the way Cameron brings instruments together in Track 37. Why do musicians wait for decades to get the band back together? They can learn an instrument like Cameron, and play it on their behalf. `Maybe I`m a Leo` (By Deep Purple) has an excellent guitar solo at he start of the song, which brings great excitement and enthusiasm to the avid listener. This music works well and is a success because you can hear individual instruments, and this is a part of modern music that has been removed by some artists. The drums, base guitar and rhythm guitar are actually talking to each other, allowing the harmonising vocals to just slide in. For music producers from the 70s and 80s who used to use 8-track machines, and sound sampling on the Omega computers in the 90s, this song was one Cameron Hons should be very proud of.
Nostalgia has played a big part in the music industry with the re-introduction of audiocassettes and Vinyl records by the retail sector. Cameron Hons says that people have always had an interest in holding on to what they have, and the interest has never really escaped our minds
“I think they never left as I have always loved CDs but no cassettes so much. I have some friends who make fun of me because I prefer CD`s instead of Digital Streaming and they think I'm mad, ” he joked.
Cameron Hons has confessed to being very anti-digital streaming and loves the CD, as he enjoys holding a physical copy of his favourite album, looking at the artwork, smelling the printed gloss, looking through the booklet and ripping them to the computer & putting them on display.
Many artists reflect on their achievements and assess what they have done, and what they are going to do. Over 20 years, Cameron Hons believes a comparison of the successes and not-so big achievements bring a wealth of wisdom for up-and-coming musicians.
“Do not listen to people who say there is only one way to record music, as this is not true. Even professional musicians don't mind recording from their homes and you don't need to spend so much money on gear, equipment, or other musicians,” said Cameron.

If a person spent 20 years in the lock-up for something they did or didn`t do, they would have built up a significant amount of hurt and emotion. Instead of getting revengeful, they could always get even with music as demonstrated in track 51. `You Can`t Stop Cameron`s Playhouse` is a very clever way of reciprocating emotions with the critics. You can hear the pattern of music in the background, and you can`t help think Cameron`s gaming experience had an influence in the creation of the track. Using his skills as a lyricist, he turns to creativity to get his point across. It is likely that his critics will hear his message loud and clear, with a strong sense of mission accomplished by any artist. Hons longevity in the industry has been built on resilience and creativity, and why as he says in track 20 - ` Everybody Knows`. Have a listen….please.
Cameron Hons` credibility as a musician stems from the way his creative brain is wired. In 20 years, he has tapped into a trinity of skills to produce a catalogue of music that will forever be recorded in the musical museum of history. Using his visual skills as an official gamer, and his auditory talents as a musician, he uses his kinaesthetic skills with his hands as a practical environmentalist. Caring for the local Reserves in Bardwell Park, Cameron is able to repay this appreciation into nature and restore parklands for the local community. Over a period of 20 years, this trifecta of gaming, music and gardening has allowed the creation of a bandcamp of music that Elvis, Beatles and David Lee Roth could never match in a heartbeat. Twenty years of success doesn`t just happen – it evolves.
For the next 20 years, Cameron Hons has plans to continue to make and supply the music that his audience are demanding. It is expected that Cameron will double his collection by the time the earth revolves around the sun another 20 times.
“If we haven't blown up the Earth by 2043 I am still hoping to keep making the same kind of music, ” Cameron joked.
Solo artists over the years used to travel on tour to pubs or gigs with a collection of CDs to sell. In 2023, artists just make songs available for free on YouTube, making it impossible to make a profit on actual songs these days.
Cameron said artists should not go into the industry to make money off music and should just play music for personal enjoyment.
“Things like digital streaming, record companies make money earnings near impossible. I just enjoy making music for free and uploading and making CDs for free then I don't get depressed if I lost so much money from it, like I have done in the past, ” he said.
With the NSW election in 2023, Cameron would like the State Government and local Council to take out all the Pokies at the RSL Clubs and add more live music into the nightlife. This way people could have more money to pay the artists on stage, rather than risk it away on gambling.
Cameron has reflected on a career that has spanned 20 years in the entertainment industry, and has been very grateful for the locals who have loved him as a local performer.
“My dentists have been most supportive over the years. They're big local GP often shares interest in my music as well and often asks how my drumming is!,” he said.
Working from home has been something that people have got used to during COVID lockdowns, but Cameron has always been doing this to try and get ahead of his craft. He is eager to have some time away again in 2023, to celebrate two decades in the music industry.
“We often like going down to Mollymook near Ulladulla on the South Coast of New South Wales during the off peak season, or sometimes up north as well to Townsville in Queensland. I haven't been there for a while. Holidaying at the moment has been difficult lately because of rising costs,” he said.
If you spent 20 years and paid too much for anything, you`ll regret not listening to track 75 earlier. `Making Music for Free` sets out one of the main highlights about being an independent producer. He sings about the expensive hiring of studios and the advantages of using a home recording studio. Many artists during COVID lockdowns resorted to this technique, making Hons a market leader in the world of music engineering.
We have just crossed over from 2022 to 2023. New Year`s Eve resolutions come and go and are either successful or a failure. If you promised yourself to support small businesses in 2023, get behind independent filmmakers and singers like Cameron Hons. The solution is very simple.
Order CD`s and books from Cameron Hons, and send them to a friend for their birthday, Christmas, Easter, Weddings, parties, anything. Artists will use your money to eat, but they`ll invest your payment in time to make more music. Invest in the Arts and keep a close eye on Cameron Hons on By the time you read this article, you will be pleased to know, that another album has just come out! True story! Get in quick, Australia!
You can purchase `20 Years of Cameron Hons Music` by clicking on the link: or purchase his new book `My Favourite Songs – a Memoir on Music Making` from It is beautifully dedicated to Angel, Julie, Cupcake and Leo. It is only $28 from the publisher. Please allow for 2 weeks for delivery.