Christmas 2021 in many Australian states will welcome new freedom and another season of joyful Christmas shopping from December 15. The release of a new album by Cameron Hons, You Can`t please `em all, is on the top of the shopping list and playlist! Darren McErlain from Newy 87.8FM Drive reviews another ground-breaking album, with many listeners tipped to be pleased with what they hear, rather than not!
Christmas is the season to be thoughtful, and by purchasing this album for a family friend or your friendly family, you will certainly be thanked in more ways than one!
Cameron will officially release his new album on November 27, 4 weeks prior to Christmas but he has also produced Christmas specials and several tracks with a festive theme over the years.
“I have made three Christmas albums. My first one was made way back in 2009, and I recently remastered it and can be found on this link: I think that Christmas songs are fun to make. But the problem is they are seasonal, so I liked making up my own crazy ones, ” said Cameron.
Carols have become a tradition in all corners of the globe. Many Christmas carols have inspire many musicians and Cameron reflected on a song that inspired him to write his own.
“The original one like Noel did inspire us to make our own creation. Once we made a Meganoise Christmas song called 'Koel Koel' after the loud bird that often calls at night during the spring/summer time,” he said.
Popular bands have produced many albums but in the last 7 years, Cameron has published more than 30 over the years. Statistics show that if Cameron continues to trend in this way, there could be at least 130 on his website before 2050. That means 30 more Christmases or more and plenty of albums to purchase for family and friends. Why wait for the next one when you can order from the back-catalogue! Cameron was more than happy to share with us the length of time it takes to produce an album.
“It depends on who I'm working with. If it's myself, it takes me about a month to come up with song ideas. Then we have about a few days or a week to record the whole album. If I decide to work with other people. It takes about another month or two longer so I can work around their schedules, ” said Cameron.
The Christmas season can sometimes slow down over January, unless musicians are booked for January festivals in Sydney. Many recording artists have to negotiate a hot Summer in Australia, but Cameron spoke about what it is like to generate an album when the weather takes on a heatwave.
“I hate playing instruments in Summer. When I play guitar, my hands sweat up on hot days and get all slippery. I have to use a fan on me to play drums. And singing is also difficult during heat,” he said.
Some radio stations slowly insert carols in their playlist, yet some Digital stations like Elf radio play nothing but Christmas music, but Cameron was very honest about his Christmas songs for Australian radio.
“I think the best way to introduce Christmas carols is a few weeks before Christmas not several months before. I don't think any of my Christmas themes will be appropriate for radio airplay as some of them are a bit raunchy,” joked a very candid Cameron.
Cameron Hons has welcomed suggestions from his fan base to contribute to the next Christmas song in the next album. One compilation has been put together just for Christmas 2021, and you can purchase this from his band website. Send your ideas to Cameron on twitter using this handle: @Cameron13H.
“I could make Christmas songs about corporation views and money spending; I could write lyrics about COVID impacted delivery, early Christmas trees and shopping stress, ” he said.
The new album is not a Christmas album, but was being released prior to Christmas to ensure people include it in their own wish list, or someone else`s stocking. This is because there are many songs on the hit list that are ready to be enjoyed.
Nothing to do in Wagga Wagga starts with rock and roll electric guitar, and then moves into an Hawaiian sound that takes you on a mental holiday. It is a very clever anti-promotion technique used by Cameron that could pass off as reverse marketing. Through the art of song he advises tourists to stay away bringing satire to the town. It is great the town has an ability to laugh at itself and does not seriously fret for attention after the recent inquiry surrounding a former Premier and a former local MP. The finding for this Inquiry will not be released until mid-2022.
The lyrics are hilarious and bring back many flashbacks of Gary McDonald`s Norman Gunstan`s sense of humour in the 1970s. Gunstan would joke about the Dapto Tech, Hons sings about Wagga Wagga! Cameron sings `it’s a disgrace…everything is flat there…if you like corruption, there`s lots of it`. A classic rendition that brings humour to a political issue that creates mixed emotions when it comes to the local area.

You Can`t Please `Em All demonstrates the beauty of being able to create a song that makes a political statement. Cameron Hons uses this song to defend his creative licence to do what he likes when it comes to the release of albums, and fend off critics. When he tells some listeners that they haven`t listened to the whole track or the whole CD, this shows musicians need to be heard, and they need to be given more opportunities. You can see Cameron play the introduction to this song on this link:
Cameron spoke of an experience where he put up an album online and five seconds later, a guy made insulting comments on the track because they thought he did it wrong. “The track is a true story, and sometimes it's annoying, because more time and effort goes into making my albums and tracks than people realise. All I like doing is having fun with the music and playing and capture what I record. Most people like it, but when they don't, especially when they're not even willing to listen to the whole CD, and still insult the track or work,” reflected Cameron.
`Don`t understand football (featuring Peter Northcote)` reflects on the Australian culture of paying reverence to sport and weekend antics. Shouting at the television, cheering at the radio and screaming at the game are questioned in this clever song, and he questions why people are just kicking a ball. It captures a viewpoint that is held by many who prefer to watch other forms of entertainment. It is an interesting piece of comedy by Cameron, as a piece of musical literature. The demonstration version online gave people a taste, and the new version with Peter Northcote was released on November 27.
“The new album is now officially out. Here is the finished version for you to enjoy, we had a lots of fun with this one, ” said a very excited Cameron.
`I do what I do` – Is the unofficial anthem for Independence Day in America. Society and culture often has various ways of getting the majority to conform. Whether it is through laws, a public health order or just nosey numbers upset with their noisy neighbours. It tells the universe to stand up for what you believe in and exercise your creative licence. The electric guitar and drums bridge an instrumental break between the vocals but gives the audience thinking time to regain control of their life – within reason!
`Too many tracks` – is a fantastic parody of the ultimate music engineer. Previous work with 8-track machines in the 80s and 90s would have been a daunting task trying to micro-record and micro-edit all the different instruments. Now with the use of digital recordings, the number of tracks can be endless and the extra recordings can be added after the band has gone home, or left to unwrap their Christmas presents.
Bands over time have placed too many tracks in the album making songs sound like a cutlery drawer being kicked down the stairs. Some songs add more electronic instruments that go above and beyond the percussion of jingling bells in the lead up to the festive season. Cameron Hons captures the pain of overloaded mp3`s and expressed this sentiment in the song. Music can make a statement and the Hons factor strikes again to prove a point!
`When a Blind Man Cries (Featuring Justin Patford)` is a powerful piece of music. It starts off with a Dire Straits or Police sound, then launches into a Jon English pattern, similar to Hollywood Seven.
It communicates the emotion of the album, but also brings a great reflective piece for the Christmas season after a day of celebrating to stop and think. Congratulations are certainly in order for a colourful and flavoured track! Cameron said that When A Blind Man Cries was originally by Deep Purple and said Justin performs guitars, bass and vocals and he played Drums and Keys. “He (Justin) sent me the direct guitars dry so I could play around with them. I wanted to make it sound like the original song but our own version of it. I gave the leads a Fender '57 amp and the solo an orange reverb amp on Amplitude,” he said.
Cameron said he was quite impressed with how it turned out, but he was shocked it wasn't lead heavy. “This is because Justin's more of a heavy metal guy. I had to convince him to keep it to sound this nice. He agreed when he saw I put up some Orange amp sims on his track. It's the only track on the album that has a Guitar Direct input instead of live amps, ” said Cameron.
With Christmas sales on the horizon, Cameron has a few albums he can already gift family and friends in their Christmas stockings, without the need to fight the crowds to purchase presents. “I sometimes give my parents my CDs, if they're willing to listen. Sometimes they're supportive but I think they may find a lot of my other tracks a bit too raunchy or rude. I hope they like this album though,” laughed a determined Cameron Hons.
The year 2022 is upon us and as we reflect another disruptive COVID year for society and culture. One pillar of faith in the music industry- Cameron Hons has proudly risen above the ashes once again. Dig deep this Christmas and support a musician who has so much to give this nation. You will see more of his work for many years to come! You might not be able to please them all, but you can at least please yourself.
Purchase the You Can`t please `em all here: What have you got to lose? You might as well.